In a Sense, Real.

NFT’s and their precursors

LS: I'd like to discuss some work I made that existed only in the virtual realm. This was in 2012 prior to NFT's

Chatbot GPT: Sure, please tell me more. What was the concept behind it, and how did it work?

LS: Well, I had this idea that the internet was more real than the real world. it was the beginning of the social media take off and I sensed my virtual audience was far more wide spread then my real life audience

Chatbot GPT: That's an interesting perspective. How did you create and present your artwork in the virtual realm? Chatbot GPT: What were the themes or concepts you were exploring?

LS: I was exploring the idea of fictional exhibit documentation and I posted them to my social media. I wasn't showing very much at the time and I was really craving to make an exhibit, so rather than wait for an opportunity, I made digital exhibitions. I had a gallery framework and I created my work within that. I presented the finished 'show' as if it really existed.

Chatbot GPT: That's an interesting approach to exhibiting artwork. It sounds like you were using the virtual realm as a platform to create an imaginary exhibition space that could potentially reach a larger audience than a physical exhibition. By using the internet and social media, you were able to showcase your work and present it in a professional and curated way, as if it were a real-life exhibition. It's a creative solution to the problem of limited opportunities to exhibit work and demonstrates the flexibility and accessibility of the virtual realm for artists.

LS: Yes, exactly, it was a way for me to take control. For the art cycle to be complete, the work really needs to be viewed. In a sense I was using my creativity to try to create opportunity. It sort of all folded in on itself.

Chatbot GPT: That's a great way to think about it - by creating a virtual exhibition, you were not only taking control of the presentation of your artwork but also creating an opportunity for it to be seen and appreciated by a wider audience. It's interesting how the digital realm has opened up new possibilities for artists to share their work and connect with viewers in a way that might not have been possible before. Did you find that your virtual exhibitions were well-received?

LS: Well, yes there was definitely some interest. However, it was very early for this kind of thinking. Eventually, I did have the opportunity to turn one of the pieces into an actual NFT.

Chatbot GPT: It's fascinating to see how the digital landscape has evolved over the years, and how artists have adapted and experimented with new mediums and platforms. Your project was ahead of its time.


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Women, Guns x Internet